Manger Heart is Humble.

We believe that a humble heart recognizes the
preeminence of the Creator. Thus, refrains from the desire to control
everything and the attitude of entitlement. Instead, connects with the Source
with gratitude, shares the Love with others made in the image of God, and
serves with creativity. 

Manger Heart is Contrite or Broken.

Manger heart recognizes that it has deviated from the Creator’s nature (tatvam), that is, poornatvam or fullness of truth and love (John 1:14). This realization makes manger heart hunger and thirst for the Creator’s Poornatvam/Fullness of Righteousness that alone can give Shanti (peace) and Ananda (Joy/Bliss). We believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, who embodied the Fullness, provide everyone the opportunity to reconnect with their Creator. We receive His Fullness or Poornatvam with a thankful heart for His sacrifice on our behalf.

Manger Heart is Obedient.

              Manger heart desire to be in step with the Spirit of God/Fullness, not ahead or behind. Thus, manger heart flows in ONE rhythm with the Creator to be a blessing.

Manger Heart is the Living Temple.

              Temple is the place where the Spirit of God dwells. Thus, people experience the Presence of God and His Peace and Joy.  Similarly, as one grows in manger heart nature, that person and others around that person can experience Peace and Joy or blessedness that does not depend on the circumstances. The living temple is like a lit candle capable of bringing light to other candles around and bringing Spiritual Diwali (Festival of Lights). Thus, the light within the manger heart can shine on our families, friends, and those we touch daily, creating a more peaceful and loving world. Let us focus on bringing our unique and beautiful selves to the world with a manger heart.

Thus says the Lord:

“Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made,
And all those things exist,” Says the Lord.
“But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.”
Isaiah 66:1-2the